manish vij

Accelerating the constitutional crisis

Young Earth, abortion and gay marriage are not live issues for most Americans anymore. House Speaker’s living in the ’70s. Go one-person-one-vote and move on from these Jeebus freaks.

Electoral Count Act was finally reformed after a coup attempt. What will get us off the planters-are-special-boys system to one:one person:vote is a crisis. Let’s have it, let’s stop going sideways.

Partisan redistricting, Wyoming’s 60× more Senate power than California, EC picking losers, unelected law wizards are comical, 1800s detritus. Let’s have the crisis. Let’s have the GOP do their worst. And then rewrite this comically rigged system.

You’d think J6 was enough, but people need a metaphorical 2×4 to the head apparently.

Demon hunter

Full Kolchak ep “Horror in the Heights”: reporter chases a rakshasa (Indian demon) in NYC. Where’s Durga Ma when you need her?

In 1974, NYC Jews wouldn’t go out for Indian food :D

Lakshmi Restaurant in a horror font

Beef curry = not a typical Indian place

Is this the Hindu swastika or the Riddler :D

The svastiks are hung like a Xtian horror chamber :D

Rakshasa hunter uses a crossbow

Demon hunter Van Hel-Singh played by Abraham Sofaer, Baghdadi Jew from India. Like in It Lives Inside, he mispronounces the monster, as ruk-SHAH-suh rather than RAHK-shus.

This demon takes the form of the beholder’s loved one, a creepy premise lifted from Maricha’s tale in the Ramayana:

When the dying Maricha was returning to his real form he cried out, "Oh Sita! Oh Lakshmana!", mimicking Rama's voice. Sita fell prey to the ruse and asked Lakshmana to go and search for Rama… Ravana appeared… and kidnapped Sita [Wikipedia]

Demon reveal! Guy in a wig, gorilla suit and claws topples over theatrically :D

Glass cockpits

Say your car had a touchscreen with fixed climate buttons which never move or change. What’s the difference?

Physical buttons give you tactile feedback for location and activation, but are more expensive and unreliable.

Soft buttons can be updated, improved, usability fixed. They can be overloaded to control more features.

There are damn good reasons spaceships, planes and phones went glass cockpit. You just want the handful of constant-use features to be physical controls.


Mike Johnson is yet another panderer to “I rule, you drool” rural white male loser primitivism. He might even believe it.

It is of course a chip on the shoulder: insecurity masquerading as supremacy, because the modern world disproves it.

We’re blowing tax money on a House circus run by a coupist’s shitposts on a fourth-rate Twitter clone.

T•••• has no power except he’s dumb enough to parrot his jihadis’ childish beliefs. Anyone could swipe it by being a dumber, more genuine loser. Many are trying.

This circus shouldn’t even exist, it’s propped up by 1700s planter rigs. The US is not 50/50. Switch to one person, one vote and wipe out this clown show.

The US constitution was a plantation owners’ agreement

As designers of the Constitution… Federalist leaders like Adams and Alexander Hamilton… viewed their own interests and the nation's interests as one and the same… recoiled at the thought of yielding power —“Tyranny of the Minority,” Levitsky & Ziblatt

Hamilton: we must…

prevent an atheist… from getting possession of the helm of the state

They considered overthrowing their own republic when they lost an election to Jefferson!

The US constitution was designed as an ownership agreement among plantation slavers, and needs a ground-up rewrite for a multiethnic republic.