Topic 4 Posts


Malign Mr. Bean

Biden blocked / delayed T•••• prosecutions, then declined too hard to take advantage of his gambit. He’s malign Mr. Bean. Now he’s ensuring a coupist / rapist / felon will get nukes. Like a roomie who gambled away the rent money.

He’s covered up his inability to do the job, stayed quiet on abortion and refused to expand SCOTUS. Contra Colbert, he hasn’t been “a great president”—he’s been a liar, a cheat and a bad actor.

Biden picked his primary rivals, picked his own general election rival, and still bungled it :D Yet another prez who can’t rig / stack the election properly, and refuses to use the cards he has (abortion rights).

Hillary elevated T•••• in GOP primaries, Pelosi tried to block every impeachment including J6, Biden saved him from fed conviction before the election. Every lazy crook thought they could use him just like #Putin.

The flaw was assuming their own racket had any basic competence—to run someone not a half-dead racket man, or at least allow real primaries without covering up his decline.

If you steal, steal big. T••••’s getting the same kind of pass as FBI informants and Victor Bout: he’s more useful to Dems, banks and Putin alive.

But Biden bungled it by betting he’d stay lucid until 86., a ludicrous bet. What was the point of springing T•••• then?

A free, viable T•••• with a coupist SCOTUS who can self-pardon is like a pandemic lab leak, if Biden and top Dems personally dumped the bat virus into everyone’s air vents.

Over the hump

Me watching Pelosi block T•••• impeachments: I can’t believe Dems would risk nuclear human extinction.

Me watching Dems re-run an impaired Biden: I can believe Dems would risk American democracy, oh I can believe it.

Reasonably bright people following crude racket incentives do incredibly stupid things. Need to align them so that to get paid / get ahead, pols must keep us safe, healthy and wealthy. Right now they make more $ risking nuke extinction, death of democracy by selling us out.

Pol is a multi-way racket like Facebook. Votes are just the entry price. The tax pot and regs are the product. Bribers domestic and foreign are the customers.

By aligning incentives you get pols paid by population health, e.g. M4A, rather than insurance and hospital bribes; paid by safety, e.g. keeping us out of dumb wars, rather than WarCo bribes; paid by prosperity, e.g. boosting worker salaries rather than oligarch bribes.

To do this you have to alter the incentives: bigger carrot so you outbid the bribers, bigger stick so it hurts to cheat. You have to do this basic self-governance reform by referendum, as the racket won’t do it willingly.

You have to have a big anti-disinfo plan as they’ll flood the airwaves with FUD to protect their extant dirty cash flows. And you probably need a crisis, need to hit the wall to get over the collective action hump.

The Washington Generals

Over time, Dems have engineered it so they pick their own voters, the rival parties allowed on ballot, their own primary challengers, and in the case of T••••, their Washington Generals.

At every step when the US pol system would’ve flushed a criminal like T••••, Dem elites threw a shield over him to keep him alive as the designated loser against Biden. Pelosi delayed impeachments, Biden / Garland delayed prosecution until Congress revolted.

No competition for Biden is bad for the country, but great for the racket.

Normally T•••• would’ve been removed and criminally convicted, and Biden would’ve lost to a normal-terrible, younger Gooper like Haley.

Crank / born loser T•••• is a massive subsidy to the Dem gerontocracy. If they had to run against Haley, they’d be forced to hand the reins to Harris or Whitmer.

Instead they’ve allowed Nazi derp to spread throughout the country for 4 bonus years, it’s their best Bubba bait. They could’ve impeached T•••• immediately for bribes, gotten the removal + criminally prosecuted after J6. They slow-walked it all.

Dems are like cops quietly striking, letting crime run rampant, to shake voters down for money. Way easier than competing in a free market for candidates.

Garland threw a presser over “3% of in-store payments are Apple Pay” and “23% of automakers will support extended CarPlay” while T•••• runs around inciting domestic terrorism. He’s nothing if not a reliable apparatchik, the gray man isn’t freelancing.

Trust-bust the parties before you prosecute some weak bullshit like “60% of Americans use iPhone.”

When T•••• finally goes down, it will be because his usefulness to the Dem Party has expired. 

Baby food

I'm… not a child with the luxury of wishing a candidate into existence, or abandoning my civic duty to chose the best among available options [Elie Mystal]

Mystal: Rewrite this slaver constitution which structurally rigs the system against minorities.

Also Mystal: We are bestowed 2 elderly, cross-eyed choices from stone tablets, those are the only humans who may rule.

This infantile POV comes from a demand to be spoon-fed for minimum mental work.

Why do we always get 2 corpo sellout choices every 4 years? Why does the mighty Wurlitzer harass us into “too late to reform, pick the lesser of evils?” When you talk about reform, why do they switch to “no one cares?” Why does Wyoming get EC supervotes? Why is everyone’s vote completely irrelevant aside from 5 random swing states?

Like gun control, an election is the wrong time to talk about it, and so is after an election.

Like M4A, you must never look at other advanced democracies which solved it long back.

This is redneck homer sports shit. Home team rah rah. Complete bakwaas.

If after one-person-one-vote and RCV, normies prevail and you’re down to least-evil, then fine, hold your nose. But we’re so far from a fair vote right now.

“We only have 2 choices, get over it nerd” isn’t the dunk you think it is :D